ACTEC Site Search Tips

ACTEC Site Search Tips

The search tips below outline how to use our search to find specific types of content on

If you still can’t find what you are looking for, please submit the form at the bottom of the page and an ACTEC staff member will reach out to you within one business day to assist with your search questions.

I am looking for…..

Presentations and content related to specific terms.

Example: Premarital Agreements and Divorce.
  • Search by “Premarital Agreement” AND divorce.
    • The quotations around multiple words will pull in results that have the two words in sequence within the page, document, or presentation,.
    • Adding the AND divorce will pull in results that contain one or both of these terms.

Presentations from a specific ACTEC meeting

  • Search for the meeting name in the keywords, example: 2024 Fall Meeting.
  • Use the search drop down filter to select “Search CLE Presentations”.

A presentation by a specific presenter and topic

  • Search by the presenter’s last name and the topic keyword. Example: Mignogna AND guardianship
    • Separating by the term AND will pull in results containing both terms.

Content related to an abbreviated term

Example: SLTA OR “Spousal lifetime access trust”

  • Search for both the abbreviated term and the terms spelled out separated by the term OR. This will display results for any item containing one of the two options.

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